Notice of Disclaimer


Be sure to source your materials for sharing from only the official media sites to be certain that you have accessed accurate information and the most updated media and forms.


Please take Notice that due to the historic importance and significance of the mission, Payment Order 1-11, our focus is always on the safety and security of this auspicious Mission, its clarity, integrity and cohesion to the Mandate of Heaven on Earth.  Much misinformation, disinformation and propaganda abounds around the internet and we wish to make available to the public, accurate, and up-to-date OFFICIAL documents, media and information as it is their RIGHT to know about the LIBERATION OF HUMANITY.

Due in part to the electronic age, documents/logos/seals, etc. can be copied, pasted, and altered. Subsequently, there has been misuse, as well as outright abuse of official documents, unauthorized usage of logos, seals and letterheads as well as unauthorized documents created and released under the guise of official World Kingdom Empire – Swissindo World Trust International Orbit (WKE-UNS, or UN Swissindo) documentation.

Therefore, please take Notice that ONLY press releases, news, publications, official documentation intended for public release and any other official business are published and available from this website and the official social media which is kept updated here.

If you find any press releases, news, publications, alleged official documentation intended for public release, and any other alleged official business or comment on any other website, forum, or social media (such as Facebook) that is not published on this website then we would respectfully ask you to do one or all of the following:

  1. Please email a link of the website, publication and/or social media post with any comment to this official email address. 
  2. Copy and paste a link to this NOTICE of DISCLAIMER into the comments section of the social media or forum.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance in helping M1 and the WKE-UNS team to maintain accurate, up-to-date public information for the historic liberation of humanity from debt and the creation of Heaven on Earth through Payment Order 1-11.