Joyfilled 7th Anniversary Semar Super Semar & World Central Bank March 11 2021 Press Release Merdeka!))))))

Breaking*** Press Release March 11 2021

On March 11, 2014, an Agreement was made in Indonesia, SEMAR SUPER SEMAR at the Aston Hotel Cirebon, Indonesia, between H.M. MR.A1.SINO.AS.S “2”. IR. SOEGIHARTONOTONEGORO HW.MA.ST. M1, of WORLD KINGDOM EMPIRE-SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT (WKE-UNS), also known as UN SWISSINDO, and the Government of Lao PDR representatives, representing the 253/357 Countries, the World, witnessed by UN SWISSINDO National and International Officers as the representatives of the big five (5) continents, Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Australia.

SEMAR SUPER SEMAR is one of the first International Agreements and Events, uniting all countries, announcing to the World that UN SWISSINDO Mission is now officially open, National and International, for all the people on Earth.

The WORLD CENTRAL BANK from WKE-UNS is taking World Finance and Banking to the next level. Fulfilling the goals of the UNO Group, it will abolish poverty, unite all countries, bring world peace, and eliminate debt. #WKEUNS #UNSwissindo @AlRk681

Press Release Indonesian Merdeka!

#WKEUNS #UNSwissindo #M1Voucher #SemarSuperSemar #WCB #KIMRK681

Twitter: @AlRk681 @UKOGSE_SEC