Declaration of statement of support for UN-SWISSINDO from COPLAC-GPRD!

Here is a Step to explain the relationship COPLAC-GPRD-BID, WITH PEASANTS AND SWISSINDO:

COPLAC-GpRD- BID, is a network of professionals, development managers for Latin America and the Caribbean, ascribed to the Executive Secretary of the INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK.,1233.html


We work to improve the quality of life in Latin America and the Caribbean. We help improve health, education and infrastructure through financial and technical support to countries working to reduce poverty and inequality. Our goal is to achieve development in a sustainable way and Respectful with the weather. With a history that goes back to 1959, today we are the main source of financing for development for Latin America and the Caribbean. We offer loans, donations and technical assistance; and we do extensive research. We maintain a firm commitment to achievement of measurable results and the highest standards of integrity, transparency and accountability accounts.

The current priority issues of the Bank include three development challenges – social inclusion and equality, productivity and innovation, and economic integration – and three cross-cutting issues – gender equality, climate change and environmental sustainability, and institutional capacity and the right state. Click here to know the current Institutional Strategy of the Bank.

  • Reduce poverty and social inequality;
  • Address the needs of small and vulnerable countries *;
  • Promote development through the private sector;
  • Address climate change, renewable energy and environmental sustainability;
  • Promote regional cooperation and integration.

* As defined in the Report of the Ninth General Capital Increase, these borrowing countries, also known as the countries of Groups C and D, are Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay.

What is Management for Development Results (MfDR)?

Management for results in development (MfDR) is an approach to public sector management whose objective is to optimize the process of creation of public value through the use of instruments of management that, collectively, coordinated and complementary, institutions must implement public to generate the social changes consigned in the objectives of the government program.

MfDR promotes the precise identification of the results that are to be achieved, the allocation priority of the resources to the activities that contribute to these results, the development of processes of management able to achieve the results and the measurement and evaluation of results based on evidences MfDR acts in all stages of the management cycle to ensure that the different instruments involved institutions aim to achieve the priority results of government and act in a manner coordinated and efficient.

Regarding the law and the technical team, it is part of our position:

“It’s a technical team and this makes it necessary to rectify and assign spaces in a context in which It needs coherence, a plan, a long-term program that lacks public policies. “

The administration is not managed under the umbrella of Public Policies ….. because you do not have this in mind when it is elaborated …. for this they must take into account that:

The Executive Power must orient the law from the perspective of public policies that guarantee and ensure the exercise of the rights recognized in the Constitution and achieve the basic objectives through the effective application and to what this power is a Co-legislator, so it can promote the following guiding principles when legislation or regulations

  • The provision of quality public services (agile and timely )
  • Social care for people suffering from marginalization, poverty or exclusion and social discrimination.
  • The integration of young people in social and work life, favoring their personal autonomy.
  • The labor, economic, social and cultural integration of immigrants.
  • Quality employment, prevention of occupational risks and promotion at work.
  • The full equality of work between men and women and the reconciliation of work and family life.
  • The impulse of the agreement with the economic and social agents.
  • The promotion of entrepreneurial capacity, research and innovation. The need to promote the work of universities is recognized in these areas.
  • The promotion of the tourism and agro-food sectors, as strategic economic elements of Ecuador.
  • Access to the knowledge society with the promotion of training and the promotion of the use of technological infrastructures.
  • The strengthening of civil society and the promotion of associations. The free access of all people to culture and respect for cultural diversity.
  • The conservation and enhancement of the cultural, historical and artistic heritage of Ecuador, especially the gastronomy and its Folklore.
  • Responsible, supportive, sustainable and quality consumption, particularly in the food sector.
  • Respect for the environment, including the landscape and natural resources and guaranteeing the quality of water and air.

With the above, more than one of these policies found in the constitution is violated … what is a law that does not promote rights and becomes unconstitutional ……


– We collaborate, with the National Coordinator for the Development of Agriculture, CONADEAGRO and a dozen peasant associations, foundations and federations at the national level, with the intention that PROMOTE PUBLIC POLICIES AND DENOUNCE THE VULNERATION OF RIGHTS AND THUS DEMAND THE FULFILLMENT OF THE LAW AND BETTERMENT THE CONDITIONS OF THE PEASANTS.

– Under this Coordinator are more than 10,000 peasant associations that could contain more than 2 million peasants, including their families.

– We develop development projects and seek financing to execute them, we are aware of their reality.

– We walk hand in hand with the different leaders of these social groups.


We are aware that at this moment the diffusion of the M1 voucher is to give hope, with great possibilities that it is realized, that the solutions of all of them arrive, and they have received it with a lot of faith. They have a clear idea that it would be the only effective and real answer to their requests, and that they should direct their positive energy in that direction. We believe that the best way to generate development is for these documents to be part of a fund that is administered by the development bank, since these entities will be able to put pressure on the system to make them effective.

Logically, the administration should be with institutions that declare transparency.


The activities and existing links have been explained in a general way, so that:

It is evident that COPLAC-GpRD-Bid, and Swissindo have the same goal, that of improving the conditions of people, which leads us to the logical conclusion that these three components (COPLAC-UN-SWISSINDO-CAMPESINOS) must be united, for OBTAINING BETTER RESULTS, at the same time that we empower the most needy, so that they do not have problems when all this project crystallizes.

This is the Coplac team in Guayaquil that is united in this purpose: Nelson Bejarano, Luis Andino, Francisco Mezones (Coordinator COPLAC gprd), Yuhanna Gualpa and Joffre Briones.
Declaration of statement of support for UNSWISSINDO  COPLAC-GpRD

“The President of Indonesia, the Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI), the leaders of the 6 Prime Banks and the Governments and Bankers of the rest of the 884 world banks are invited to meet with UNS representatives in each country to prepare these programs for the welfare of the People in accordance with the UNITED NATIONS (UNIVERSAL) DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS 1948, Article 25:

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond their control.”
– UNSWISSINDO Public Announcement/Mandate delivered to the UN Secratary General of the United Nations.