Un-Swissindo declaration transaction to defend world financial economy and world security in the Republic of Indonesia via UNS-DRA gold backed cryptocurrency

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UN SWISSINDO DECLARATION TRANSACTION TO Defend World Financial Economy and World Security in the Republic of Indonesia  VIA UNS-DRA GOLD BACKED CRYPTOCURRENCY

CIREBON, JAVA, Indonesia, 3rd September, 2019 –  Since the Historic General Management Merger, June 11, 2019, between SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT (UN SWISSINDO) and DIRUNA Crypto-currency, The President of World Bank Group, Leaders/ Finance Ministers of Member Countries, Sec Gen. of The United Nations and the Elders of WORLD KINGDOM EMPIRE, SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT, have been informed regarding the General Management Merger, Utilization and Ways to Defend World Financial Economy (Global) and to Defend World Security in the Republic of Indonesia – SUAKA NEGARA through UN SWISSINDO’s Payment Order 1-11 (P1-11) Programs, for 253 Countries and 7.6 billion People.

UNS-DRA (GCR) Transaction Payment System Exchange Rate (XRT) is the World Financial Economy (Global) System and World Security Defence System, Electronic System & the Security of Manual System, is to Guarantee the Expenditures & Distributions of X.DR (Various Currencies) is Guaranteed by Stock Order Nationality – Authority Money Supply-M1 (M3 same is M1, M2 is Sum M1 – OECD), Direct Support Project Funds-USD, Cash Liquid Unlimited in Indonesia (34 Provinces) Exhibits A & B, with a Total Global Collateral of KGS OF PRECIOUS METAL.

UNS-DRA (GCR) is and as the World Single Currency (Global) Consortium Internationality, The World Bank Group and with this Decree, adopted and appointed as THE WORLD CENTRAL BANK, WORLD KINGDOM EMPIRE, SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT.

UNS-DRA (GCR) Program is a Conversion of Guaranteed Printing of Legal Standard Payment World Currencies (Collateral) Union Bank of Switzerland (Code Pancar Soeryo), with XRT of X.DR = 17,000. –. The same XRT applies to the entire WBG Member Countries’ Currencies, whereas all debt is liberated and all New World Transactions of the related Countries become the responsibility of its Country Leader (Finance Minister), which responsibility is borne by Kholipatul Immam Mahdi-M1, Royal K.681 King of King’s and to be implemented by WPM FINANCE & BANKING SYSTEM as the Recipient of CTU-24 (Counter Terrorist Unit-24) X.DR with Post Receipt of Invoice in the amount of  1,000,000. – DRA (GCR) – in the same amount of X.DR (Rupiah Currency): Rp. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. –.

X.DR Securicor is CTU-24 (Counter Terrorist Unit 24), which contains X.DR as M1 Official to WPM FINANCE & BANKING SYSTEM, under the Privileges of Immunity, UN-Convention Article 1- Section 1 Juridical Personality, Article 2 Section 2-8 Asset-Fund & Property and UN-Charter 102 Registration of Certificate, Article 7 Counter Terrorist & International Law Article 14.

Exhibits AB, F.L.O Fesselio Liuzes Orfilize are rights that are not owned and not given to any Company or Government Institution, The Founding Father National International, The United Nations with the components of Institutions, The World Bank Group – Finances with WBG (IBRD-IDA-IFC-ICSID) Member Countries, each under the responsibility of its Government (Finance Minister)/ the Leader and the existence of Member Countries’ Loans, “Corporations” as the Borrowers under the Governments’ Representatives; therefore in this case, “Global Debt Liberation” is declared/ announced to the Public, under the responsibility of Kholipatul Immam Mahdi M1 – Royal K.681 King of King’s WORLD KINGDOM EMPIRE – SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT, to be implemented by WPM FINANCE & BANKING SYSTEM and PRESIDENT OF WORLD CENTRAL BANK, as the Distribution Executors  of Payment Order 1-11 Multilateral Agreement.

This “Declaration of Transaction” is to be published as a meeting agreement of the WPM FINANCE & BANKING SYSTEM and the PRESIDENT OF WORLD BANK GROUP, General Management Merger Authority Program of UNS-DRA (GCR) WORLD KINGDOM EMPIRE World Single Currency with the Transfer Status of the World Central Bank.

Stock Order Nationality-X.DR (Countries’ Currencies) Money Supply-M1 Authority hereby has guaranteed X.DR Physical availability and the Control of Post Receipt of Invoice Distribution by using DRA (GCR) Wallets with the Status of “Public Transaction and Internal Owner States M1 Transaction”, whereas the Governments of WBG Member Countries (Finance Ministers) under the Guarantee of the WPM FINANCE & BANKING SYSTEM and the PRESIDENT of WORLD BANK, as the Executors of Dynamics of Change in the Defence of the World Financial Economy & World Security Defence Systems, which is the Payment Order 1-11 for the sake of the Creation of World Civilization Order in the Level of Achievement for the Highest Good Throughout the History of the Universe.

CTB-CRYPTOBANK now joins in the Declaration of Transaction, to complete the General Management Merger Authority Program of UNS-DRA (GCR), WORLD KINGDOM EMPIRE, SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT! MERDEKA!

For additional details and understanding, visit website wke-uns.info and swissindo.net

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