Happy Nusantara Day to Indonesia and the World

December 13, Nusantara Day, is an official annual holiday in Indonesia. It celebrates the declaration that integrated the island nation as a whole territory, including its islands and waters. A country made up of thousands of islands, Indonesia is also an archipelago. Archipelago translated into Bahasa Indonesia is Nusantara.

When the Founding Father Soekarno, first President of Republic Indonesia declared Independence for Indonesia Nusantara, he meant the entire world. This is also portrayed in the Indonesian anthem, “Indonesia Raya”, as Raya means world. The continents of this planet are surrounded by water so in a larger sense the Earth is also Nusantara. 

HM KIMRK681 M1 is fulfilling the Founding Fathers’ vision, Kemerdekaan Agung (Noble Freedom) for the entire world through WKE-UNS profound mission for the entire world and the people. In honor of the holiday celebrated in Indonesia today, WKE-UNS would like to extend this celebration to everyone in all the lands of the planet.

Happy Nusantara Day to all!