
CIREBON, JAVA, Indonesia, 7 January 2022 – an unprecedented agreement, a General Management Merger Authority was entered into on 20 October 2021 between World Kingdom Empire – Swissindo World Trust International Orbit (WKE-UNS) also known as UN SWISSINDO, and the United Nations for permanent recovery of the United Nations, all U.N. members, and the World, to protect the future of the planet and to maintain international peace. 

This OFFICIAL Treaties International Agreement of M1 and the United Nations has an initial value of USD 9,900 trillion being the return of HSBC-Investment Usage Instrument of Cash Fund MT.103 (Final Report 2019) and Hong Kong Monetary Authority (Final Report 2020), and or Exhibits AB, Opskoop Central Buffer Stock Nationality and Direct Support Project Fund US Dollar Cash Liquid Unlimited in Indonesia, to implement the Distribution of Payment Order 1-11 (P1-11), with Full Force.

The Purpose and Use of funds includes:

1. Direct Financial support of projects as the original understanding of Exhibits AB (Kingdom & Country) Data C Code A 1903/2021.

2. Moving Assets security costs in the amount of EUR 300,000,000 (three hundred million Euro).
           a) Domestic 30%
           b) Abroad 30%
           c) Executing Bank 30%
           d) Internal 10%

3. Arrangement of facilities and accommodation for the elder family holders’ management of the Single Mandate’s custody of the KINGDOM OF NUSANTARA RAYA (World) and 25 Multinational Parent Countries to receive the rights of Social Justice and Prosperity.

4. Implementation of project contracts in various sectors, to open occupations in 34/36 Provinces in Indonesia and in 5 continents, including the Venus Project and 14 oil refineries as part of Payment Order 1-11 (P1-11).

5. Non-budgeter multinational funds to be used and cannot be intervened by executive legislative and judicative in accordance with the UN Convention Privileges of immunity.

6. Follow-up a letter from UN Global Development, from a “NAME WITHOUT A NAME” to a “NAME WITHOUT A NAME”, according to Code “NN” Exhibits AB Data C Code A 1903.

7. All sitting in the BHINNEKA TUNGGAL IKA (UNITY IN DIVERSITY) Vessel and there are no regulations toward non-budgeter funds “Opskoop Central Buffer Stock Nationality” as the Exhibits AB, the Founding Fathers of National and international Chairman of the United Nations.

8. To commence with the appointment of the European Central Bank (ECB), based on the letter of guarantee, with the amount of EUR 10,000,000,000,000 (Ten Trillion Euro), Ref. no. ECB-980/10MSA, January 28, 2021.

9. To support of the UN-PLATFORM and or UNITED NATIONS CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCE, COP 21 or CMP 11 and designates USD. 100,000,000,000.00 (One Hundred Billion) per year (beginning in 2018), to satisfy the initial floor requirements for all countries.

10. The Plan of Experts-M1, according to the Asian Banking Document has a new mission for the United Nations and the World Government, to realize our Purpose, Vision and Mission, to manage the Assets together, bringing prosperity to the world and abolishing poverty forever.

11. The UN is tasked with Controlling the use of non-budgetary cash mobility of unlimited release and to invite minimum, the Embassies of the 25 Parent Countries, Indonesia, and the Indonesian White Tiger Force Task Team (SWISSINDO) to the WKE-UNS Global Event in Indonesia.

From the Grand Acclamation October 16, 2016 to the UN-SWISSINDO General Management Merger October 20, 2021. This Merger is the FINAL LEGAL STANDING.

May we become United in Our Diversity and move forward in peace and cooperation to secure the World for Future Generations, through Payment Order 1-11 Program, to bring dignity to all beings and open the gate, commencing Heaven on Earth.

God Bless Us All and for the Highest Good of All.

Amen and Merdeka!

For additional details and understanding, visit website

Contact: Jody Troupe MMD Ministry of World Media & Communication
FAX # 1-847-526-3681