The Palace of the Supreme of the Greatest President of the United Nations

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English & Indonesian


In this Now we are going to look at an Announcement made to the United Nations in January of 2016 by Bapak Sugih regarding two U.N. projects he has approved for funding.

Bapak Sugih is the term of endearment used when referring to His Majesty Mr. A1.SINO.AS.S”2”.IR.SOEGIHARTONOTONEGORO, ST. M1, Royal K.681, King of Kings, Big Top President of Swissindo World Trust International Orbit, NEO the United Kingdom of God Sky Earth.

These names and titles are only A FEW of the names of entitlement, rights by Divine and physical inheritance, proof of historical ownership, position, global authority, scope of purpose, proof as legal asset holder and account signatory, making him … master and ultimate sovereign over all global assets.

If that weren’t enough … he also has a title of the ABSOLUTE, to establish and instruct all sentient beings to have basic rights or to carry out responsibilities from God that are attached to the Dewan Ikatan International Documents – Crown Council XIII/XX with the PUSAKA (Heritage book) as sacred scriptures of Divine Inheritance – to lead and implement the rights and duties from God Almighty to appoint an Emperor or Empress for the five continents and the implementation of total repurposing of the world systems in accordance to the directions of the great outlines of building nations (GBHN D).

As that introduction sinks in, let us now explore this Announcement: we shall make use of “filler words” to assist in the explanation of the document.

As WORLD AUTHORITY (which means he has the authority to use the funds for Humanity) Introducing the Project called:


In Volume 1 “Why the United Nations has no President? That is why Swissindo exists!” it was inferred but not quite spelled out that: Swissindo IS the Presidency of the United Nations, making Bapak Sugih is THE BIG TOP PRESIDENT, or the highest Authority of the United Nations.

Authorization code: P1.PKC-NKRI CIREBON where PKC stands for: Pusat Komando Cirebon (or central command Cirebon) NKRI means Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (a nation united, the republic of Indonesia)

In Indonesian the “c” is pronounced like a “ch”, and Cirebon is a sprawling metropolitan area of over 2 million residents on the island of Java, in the province of West Java.

HELD by:



It can be seen there that the relationship between SWISSINDO WORLD TRUST INTERNATIONAL ORBIT and NEO THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GOD SKY EARTH is that Swissindo is the creator of NEO the United Kingdom of God Sky Earth (using a tree as an example; Swissindo is the roots, and NEO the United Kingdom of God Sky Earth is the tree).

Organization Unit:


At first sight, one becomes cautious because the recent history of these groups, in particular the Committee of 300, carries a dark reputation, such as the “Hidden Hand” headed by the Rothschild family, however, the Original Intent in the creation of these entities were completely Humanitarian but were hijacked by the greedy financiers mentioned and used for their own purposes at the expense of humanity. Not nice. The version mentioned here is the NEO COMMITTEE OF 300, to coin a new phrase and NOT an official term, scrubbed free of all scalawags and cleansed of all impurities so that it may now function as originally intended.

Reference: UN-APPROVAL NO. MISA 81704/17-8-1945 (recall this Code from Volume 1) That the United Nations was registered in Batavia, which is now Jakarta, Indonesia with the same UN-APPROVAL NO.MISA 81704 on August 17th, 1945

The Palace Shall be in Force with World Address in Indonesia, meanwhile the Secretary General of the United Nations shall maintain his address in America and is ready and aware of the Deposit Instrument of M2 is sum M1 (where M2 is the total value of all cash and global assets) (The Aggregates Monetary as in aggregates of money and the -OECD).

In this case, the M2 and M1 are “Money Supply” terms, where, according to Investopedia: “The money supply is the total amount of money in circulation in a country or group of countries in a monetary union. There are several ways in which this can be calculated: M1 is a measure of money supply including all coins and notes plus personal money in current accounts; M2 is M1 plus personal money in deposit accounts; then M3 is M2 plus government and other deposits.”

It is emphasized that this M1 is the financial aspect used with Money Supply, whereas the title “M1” of Bapak Sugih contains this and much higher and varied meanings containing the essence of maximum authority such as “Microfilm 1”, “Monarch 1”, “Monetary 1” and even “Military 1”.

Notice that the money supply M2 sum M1 has a Deposit Instrument representing it, and the UN Secretary General is aware of it.

The OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, is a United Nations global policy forum working with over 100 countries that promotes policies to improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.



With that and the UN Charter he holds below:

The UN’s SWISSINDO property and assets, wherever located and whomsoever held by, shall enjoy immunity from legal process except insofar as it has waived its immunity.

The premises of the UN-SWISSINDO, and its documents, shall be inviolable (i.e. unable to be infringed upon or violated) – it is immune from requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or legislative action.

Bapak, for the highest good of all mankind, may reform land, build this Palace, with full authority, free of interference of any kind. NOT for himself, mind you, as we have seen done in our past by a greedy few, No, this Palace is for All Mankind, as a display of the True Abundance Inherited by All Sentient Beings of the World, to be displayed with Honor in Indonesia. The second funding being announced is the ADOPTION OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT PROJECT Conference of the Parties, Twenty-first session (COP21), now we know what COP21 stands for, if we see it again in this or other documents, we will know its reference.

Paris, 30 November to 11 December 2015

Proposal by the President and all Parties of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Welcoming the adoption of United Nations General Assembly resolution, A/RES/70/1, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

We, Swissindo World Trust International Orbit – NEO The United Kingdom of God Sky Earth, Registration of UPU 01-05-1887 with official name INDONESIA, ISO 3166/Alpha 02-ID as Board Association of International Document with Certificate Code 99.98 Series 1-4 Van Eighendom Verponding Onderneming – Landreform of Certificate International, as World Authority (for Land in this case, there are also Authorities for Water and Air), Command and Control a Nations Currency.

Bapak Sugih, Swissindo, Decides to Accept the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (hereinafter referred to as “the Agreement”) as contained in the annex; to fulfill the Invitation for Funding of the ADOPTION OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT PROJECT as proposed by COP21 President, Laurent Fabius, Signed in Paris on December 12, 2015. In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 3, of the Agreement, developed countries intend to continue their existing collective mobilization goal through 2025 in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation; prior to 2025 the Conference of Parties serving as the meeting place for the Parties to the Paris Agreement, shall set a new collective quantified goal from a floor of USD $100 BILLION per year, taking into account the needs and priorities of developing countries.

Acknowledging that climate change is a common concern of human kind by taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider, respecting obligations toward human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations with the right to development, as well as gender equality, empowerment of women and inter-generational equity.

Recognizing the urgency to make voluntary contributions, a Quota of US$138.990.000.000.000 is Granted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for the timely implementation of this decision.

The Palace of the Supreme of the Greatest President of the United Nations, shall be the Grand Launch for Humanity with a Fabulous Ground Breaking in Cirebon, Indonesia, on the LAND of “Van Eighendom Verponding Onderneming” on behalf of Certificate Code 99.98 Series 1-4 Pursuant to the record of the Heavy Freedom, Republic of Indonesia on 17-august-1945 and due on 17- august -2015 under Exhibit B Obligation Certificate UBS with Maximum of 70 years.

Funding of projects is the means by which Humanitarian Funds are disbursed throughout the globe, thereby injecting much needed liquidity to local, regional and continental economies.

The impact of $139T is far-reaching and thorough in its scope for the receiving populace; all partake and benefit: government, state and individual alike.

In our past, “Humanitarian” money never made it into the hands of the people, but was siphoned off by the greedy and were used to fund “black” projects instead.

Now the Light is back; Sovereignty, Love, Compassion, Abundance and Oneness are taking up Residence. Our New Earth is upon us. She is already in our Hearts, beating our Dreams into Manifestation.

Souls Incarnate Awake! There is only Now! Remember you came from the stars and you are very wise.

Gird your Divine Mantle; wield magic in your hands as your very Intention CREATES.

On behalf of:
Royal, K.681 M1

This is interesting; it is also signed by the newly appointed …
The initials stand for Ratu Adil (translated Queen of Justice) Her Majesty DEWI BUNGA SITI DAHLIA HANYOKRO KHUSUMMO, Who was appointed President Commissioner UN-SWISSINDO by Bapak Sugih in December of 2015.

The following THE STORY OF INSPIRATION FROM MOTHER EARTH was written by Papa (Bapak means Father, therefore any similar endearing term is appropriate)

The long-awaited, happy promised day is approaching; All will be happy and convivial; On that day, there will be no sadness, nor will there be misery; All shall be provided; Love and affection will grow’ Loving each other; Peace on Persada earth, peace in our heart. — Bapak Sugih

This is for the greater good of all


Link to the video:

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Final Act
Board Association of International Document
Crown Council XIII – XX
CL-UBS No. UNS-AG/SBG/6118/045/RS.DRS/VII/01/2001 – 15

Resolution Revitalization and Development
Project Nexus World 12 Portholes and General Single Agreement.
Palace President Alliance/United Nations
“1887 Wareld van Eighendom Verponding 2015”
Permission and Utilization Funds – Assets – Property UN Swissindo
P1. PKC – NKRI Cirebon Indonesia IP.NO. 301 UN – Swissindo

Owner: Big Top Royal, K681 King of Kings M1
Name: H.M. Mr. A1. Soegihartonotonegoro, ST.
Blue-Bigger ID: Deutsche Bundesbank DE09ZZZ00001750948
UCC Code: 2015-076-7587-0
Passport: A7808449
Issuer: Swissindo World Trust International Orbit
Position: The Certificate of the State
Certificate: Code 99.98
Title: Wareld van Eighendom Verponding 01-05-1887
Series 1 – 4: Register Series 2 Plantation
Register No.: 27500897994533
Account: Deutsche Bank
Advance Payment: EUR 89,500,000,000,000.-
Cash Fund: SKR. No. 0126/BI – SKR/XI/2012
UN – RI: SKR/IDR 00013/2012

Date Executed: 27-08-2014

Board Association of International Document Decision and establishing appropriate 5 Moral Principles whereas:

A) Rental Rights, Governance and taxpayers under Title of Van Eighendom Verponding Onderneming to Royal, K681 Owner States M1 as holder and Owner Certificate KAR – NEGARA Exhibits AB (Kingdom and Countries) from time to time the Parent Body of 25 Multi-National Countries.

B) Have as background records of National Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta dated 20 March 2007 concerning estates and 53 Sugar Factories/Mills under management of NV. Maatschapu Total Explotatie Der Suiker Onderneming (business) with corresponding list attached on behalf of the WL. Samuel De Meyer F. of the entire sugar factory on the island of Java with employees:

  1. PG. Mojo Agung, Jombang
  2. PG. Sumber Liarjo, Pemalang
  3. PG. Jatiwangi, Majalengka
  4. PG. Gempol, Cirebon
  5. PG. Kadipaten, Majalengka
  6. PG. Karang Suwung, Cirebon
  7. PG. Jati Barang, Cirebon
  8. PG. Sindang Laut, Cirebon
  9. PG. Tersana Baru, Cirebon
  10. PG. Purwodadi/Glodok, Magetan
  11. PG. Gondang Baru, Klaten
  12. PG. Kalibagor Banyu Mas.
  13. PG. Sudhono, Madiun
  14. PG. Ketanggungan Barat Pekalongan
  15. PG. Mojo Sragen
  16. PG. Pagongan Tegal
  17. PG. Mrican/Jati Kediri
  18. PG. Rejosari, Madiun
  19. PG. Pangka, Tegal
  20. PG. Sragi Pekalongan
  21. PG. De Maas, Besuki
  22. PG. Lepiring Kendal
  23. PG. Teper Klaten
  24. PG. Comal, Pemalang
  25. PG. Rendeng, Kudus
  26. PG. Jatiroto Lumajang
  27. PG. Kunir Tulung Agung
  28. PG. Ngadirejo, Kediri
  29. PG. Sembero, Jember
  30. PG. Gunung Sari, Jember
  31. PG. Asem Bagus, Situbondo
  32. PG. Jombang Baru, Jombang
  33. PG. Gedning, Jombang
  34. PG. Gempol Kerep, Mojokerto
  35. PG. Kanigoro, Madiun
  36. PG. Barjaratma, Brebes
  37. PG. Kadawung, Pasuruan
  38. PG. Kerembung, Sidoarjo
  39. PG. Tulangan. Sidoarjo
  40. PG. Krian Sidoarjo
  41. PG. Mojopanggung, Tulung Agung
  42. PG. Olean, Situbondo
  43. PG. Pagottan, Situbondo
  44. PG. Panji, Situbondo
  45. PG. Lestari, Kertosono
  46. PG. Pesantren, Kediri
  47. PG. Petarukan, Pemalang
  48. PG. Pajarakan, Probolinggo
  49. PG. Pradjekan, Situbondo
  50. PG. Cukir, Jombang
  51. PG. Watu Tulis Sidoarjo
  52. PG. Wonolangan, Probolinggo
  53. PG. Wringin Anom, Panarukan
  54. Kampoeng Koeningan
    CBD – Mega Kuningan
    Total of 23 Certificates Van Eighendom Verponding
    WIDTH 168.527M2


Whereas in accordance “Entry into” UPU 01-05-1887 KAR – NEGARA Certificate of Ownership of Countries Code 99.98, Register Sealed Securer, Series 1 – 4;

  1. Land Mining Code (P1)
  2. Land Plantation Code (P2)
  3. Land Agriculture Code (P12)
  4. Land Transportation – Land, Sea and Air Code (P21)


Based upon Register Sealed Securer Certificate of Ownership KAR – NEGARA and UN – APPROVAL No. 81704, dated 17-08-1945, with the fall of the final due date 17-08-2015 and 70 years periodic obligation, and consistent with;

  1. Repayment of Funds National International consistent with SOERAT POESAKA NOESANTARA as from 5th October 1966.
  2. Declaration of Transaction Payment Order P1 – 11 No. A5 – A.A.A.A.A.-303-333-742-42.
  3. Advance Payment EUR 889,000,000,000,000.- and Phase 1 worth EUR 89,500,000,000,000.- 4. Certificate Title, Licensee and Utilization Funds-Assets-Property Number: UPU/A.045-A.001/1012500/BI – SKR/2015 in the name of UN-SWISSINDO.


A. Implementation of Human Obligation Project and Venus Project by means of a Pilot Project and to regain control on land, KAR – NEGARA Certificate Code 99.98 Series 1 – 4, Wareld Van Eighendom Verponding Onderneming 01-05-1887/17-08-2015 and EXHIBITS AB as Guarantor for Collateral Countries – Foreign Countries.

B. Allocation Allotment of Project Development of World Transportation Hub in Cirebon, in the area of the Sugar Factory/Mills, number 6 and number 8 from 53 locations.

C. Development of 51 Sugar Mill Plantation locations with the allocation of funds and a development budget worth EUR 1,000,000,000.- or total of EUR 51,000,000,000.- part of P1 – 11 consistent with UN- Charter Article 2 Section 2 – 8.

D. Orders Her-Inventory, Funds-Assets-Property in accordance with UN-Charter Article 2 Sections 2 – 8 and UN-APPROVAL No. 81704 dated 17-08-1945, periodic 70 years with a maturity date of 17-08-2015.

E. Issues a letter of Instruction to Property Management in particular CBD – Mega Kuningan Jakarta with a total of 23 Certificates of Van Eighendom Verponding No. 7267, Width 168.527M2 and for the related parties to re-register over the evacuated property and land area mentioned as this matter applies to all parties that already occupy lands of Verponding Series 1 – 4 , pertaining to property of the KAR-NEGARA Certificate 99.98 of the entire region/country of NKRI 17-08-1945. F. Instruction to Team Task Force UN-SWISSINDO for Territorial Supplies for TNI Headquarters to secure vital areas.

G. Central Command of the World Multinational (NATO-SEATO-NON BLOCK) Oopskop Central Buffer Stock Nationality with appropriate corresponding SKR.No.0126/BI–AKR/XI/2012, SKR/IDR 00013 issued Instrument Advance Payment (P1-11) SKR. CTU-24 Multiple Currency related to the Dynasty Assets.


UN – APPROVAL No. MISA 81704 dated 17-08-2015.

  1. The Command Centre of the World – Swissindo World Trust International Orbit.
  2. Great Presidential Palace of United Nations. 3. Bullion Big Bank Ratu Mas Kencana Room A1-1A (World Bank – Union Bank of Switzerland – Bank of Indonesia)
  3. Residential Park.

Area of the Sugar Factory/Mill Site in Cirebon

A. NUMBER 6 KARANG SUWUNG Village Karang Suwung, KEC Kerang Sembung

Village Kerang Suwung District Karang Sembung, Width 89.7750M2 (89.7 HA)
Residential Park, Register Serial No. AAR095247
Initial Value: USD 506,502,000,000.-

B. Number 8 Sindang Laut
Village Sindang Laut KEC Sindang Laut

  1. VERPONDING No. 219
    Village Sindang Laut KEC. Sindang Laut, WIDTH 98.0407M2 (94.04 HA)
    Swissindo World Trust International Orbit
    Register Serial No. AAG095247
    Initial Value: USD 506,502,000,000.-
  2. VERPONDING No. 997
    Village Sindang Laut KEC. Sindang Laut,
    WIDTH 95.2037M2 (95.20 HA)
    Bullion Big Bank Ratu Mas Kencana Room A1-1A
    (World Bank – Union Bank of Switzerland – Bank of Indonesia)
    Register Serial No. AAH095247
    Initial Value: USD 506,502,000,000.-
  3. VERPONDING No. 225
    Village Sindang Laut KEC. Sindang Laut, WIDTH 110.4550M2 (110.45 HA)
    Palace of the President of the United Nations
    Register Serial No. AAQ095247
    Initial Value: USD 506,502,000,000.-

Hence the decision was made and appointed the appropriate rights, license and to use Funds-Assets-Property as above/in the land of Van Eighendom Verponding Onderneming consistent with UU No. 1 year 1958, UU No. 86 year 1958, UU 1945 Article 1 Paragraph 1, Article 32, Article 33 Paragraph 3 and Notification to Government of Indonesia and related Ranks of Human Obligation Project and Venus Project.

None of the Government Institution have and given authority to hand over/transfer Van Eighendom Verponding Onderneming as the KAR-NEGARA 99.98, the appropriate Official Name Indonesia, ISO 3166/alpha 02 – ID, Register UPU 01-05-1887.

The Authority Veto is Big Top Royal, K.681 King of Kings M1, Great Top President of United Nations, UN-APPROVAL No. 81704 / 17-08-1945 and with maturity due date on 17-08-2015 according to the contents of the proclamation 17-08-1945 transfer of power within the shortest cycle.

Signed at Vientiane Lao P.D.R. dated 4th December 2015.
Board Association of International Document
Big Top Royal, K. 681 King of Kings M1
Great Top President of United Nations
Position Code A.045 Basel Tullingen President Commissioner Banks C.L.M. 7650089799 F.C. 56453

Ratified in Cirebon 17-08-2015, Indonesia President Commissioner UN-Swissindo
H.M. Dewi Bunga Siti Dahlia H.K.
Position Code A.001 Basel Tullingen
President Commissioner of Indonesia NKRI 17-08-2015

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